Monitor workplace occupancy
and improve office utilization

Adapt to the hybrid work evolution through agile and flexible workplace strategies based on data, not assumptions. Sharry Insights, the access-based analytics framework for commercial real estate, enables you to monitor and analyze occupancy data. Turn pure metrics into decision-making tools to rethink workplace footprint.

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Plan your portfolio investments
based on data and trends

Which buildings, locations, and amenities are performing well, and which aren’t? Increase the return on CapEx & OpEx real estate investments with a no-code data platform combining multiple sources. Get micro-level insights along with a higher-level picture of activities across portfolios.

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Measure workspace
and amenities utilization

The mass adoption of distributed and remote work triggered an urgent need to constantly monitor office capacity and use. Adjust the footprint to proactively optimize seat density and costs, while retaining and attracting talent and tenants.

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Billing procedures.
Just easier

No need to download various reports, switch between multiple software platforms, and finally convert and merge it all into one performance monitoring system. Sharry Insights simplifies the billing process for the use of various shared amenities, including parking. Set the exports from one platform with one click – no matter whether on property, tenant, or company team level.

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Operations and management
based on accurate data

Understand what is happening in the workspace at any specific time and get automated reports and alerts. With badge data – in contrast to occupancy sensors, you gain valuable historical benchmarks. Make prompt changes to the daily operations to maintain cost-effectiveness, create an ESG-friendly workspace and address desired hybrid work standards.

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Collect feedback
on community engagement

How do people interact within the workplace? Understand what occupants may desire from their space and make informed investments based on occupancy insights. The Sharry platform combines data from interactive polls or workplace app usage and serves as an indicator of the overall satisfaction of users and tenants.

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Get actionable insights
into the ESG-friendly workplace

High-level insights into office resources can streamline the transformation towards sustainable commercial real estate. How to optimize energy consumption when occupancy levels vary? The Sharry data platform, with its environmental analytics provides actionable data on how each location is performing and is being used.

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Be one step ahead
of your tenants

Measure tenant engagement and gain valuable insights into how they’re utilizing your office building. Identify areas for improvement and enhance their overall experience. With the ability to analyze tenant engagement data, you can make data-driven decisions that lead to increased satisfaction and higher occupancy rates. Empower your building with the power of analytics and data, and take control of your property's success today.

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Why Sharry Insights?

Key insights for any kind of office and property portfolio
Ready-to-use badge data with historical benchmark
No additional hardware or software needed
Easy to export in unified format for further analysis
Automated e-mail alerts for various metrics
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Measure the hybrid workplace

Badge data

Monitor occupancy levels gathered from mobile or plastic badges. They are ready to use, cost-effective, easy to scale and grow with your business, and solve privacy concerns.

User experience

Assess real-time feedback on users' shift to hybrid work. Measure their engagement within the office. Replace a one-time survey with a smart tool that is GDPR and CCPA compliant.

Parking insights

Maximizing the parking lot usage will not only ensure user-satisfaction but is also aligned with the ESG approach. Use metrics split by complex, tenant, or visitors to optimize each spot.

Guest trends

With detailed visitor data, you can proactively change your reception operations. Key metrics help you set a better guest experience and increase building security.

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Sharry Integrations Library

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